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Inherited Heteronomous Perception
Bandcamp Apple Music TIDAL Reviews
Inherited Heteronomous Perception
  • Iranian composer and audio engineer Puria M. Rad, aka Pé, uses his knowledge of early electronic music to create ghostly, long-form compositions that sound like a detuned radio playing Mika Vainio or Eleh.

    Pé seems concerned with the shrouding of elements. There are few clean sounds on “Inherited Heteronomous Perception” – if synthesizers are used, the tones are buried under grit collected from Pé’s selection of tape recorders and malfunctioning noise generators. This gives the album the general character of a decaying industrial tape, but Pé is a confident sound designer and never lets the concept overweigh his music’s subtlety. His noisiness is kept to a low hum, and tiny details only make themselves known if you’re really listening.